

Caser and Uncaser Gripper Head

Caser and Uncaser Gripper Head :

Case and incase gripper head :- A gripper unit that includes a gripper head with atleast two gripper arms which can be opened and closed against each other for transport system for supporting and transporting materials such as bottles comprising a rotating support which is rotated continuously about a substantially vertical rotational axis and which supports at least one transfer arm where in said gripper head is adapted for sliding with respect to said inner radial part along a elongation axis substantially parallel to said support sa as to have a substantial vertical movement whereby a blow-nilded container can be extracted from a blow mold by lifting said container vertically.


An uncaser gripper head includes a pair of opposed jaws operable for opening and closing upon the neck or rim of a bottle. Each of the jaws includes a plurality of parallel ridges or lips extending from the planer surfaces of the jaw and adapted for engaging the rim and the mouth of the bottles. Aside flage is presented along each side of the jaws to prevent the bottles from escaping the grip of the jaw.

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